In 2020 came the shamanism on my trail. It feels for me as coming home and the most purest way to connect with pachamama(mother earth)

I’m searching already for years what it means for me to be here on earth. I know it’s a big question, but I felt it so important. Also after my study garden- and landschapedesign I felt myself not ready to start in the workfield.
The shamanism has showing me how we have lost the connection with nature. We are in life digital fully overstimulated and traumatized in our childhood and past life’s. We all forget to be in silence and listening to our inner voice what’s going on inside ourselves.
I already wrote a blog over my time on the ayahuasca-retreat on the Pachamama-temple in Peru. I wrote my experience about listening to my body/emotion and how I can connect with my heart I felt love from nature, blockages around my heart and gratitude for following my strong intuition.
After that I followed a year later the course the ‘Shaman Way’ by Jos Kester in the Hague. It was giving me insight how I used my mask as seducer (verleider) to suppressed the pain of my emotions.
There was also a freezing in my past life. I didn’t now what that was, but a year later it gave me clarity with regression- and reincarnation therapy. I have fear for deep commitment(bindingsangst)
In my past life I was an Indian in the North of Amerika. I had a very deep connection with the nature and a good understand of the tree-language. But the western society needed the nature and kicked me out my habitat. It was so painful that it has closed off my deep connection with nature.
Also in my current life it happened that the government needed the soil of my parents. Also a habitat very deep rooted in the family that we have to give away to the western society.
For me it feels like that I have to incarnate in this family to heal my deep connection with nature again. And use the Shamanic lifestyle to heal and connect people again with our source, mother nature!